Offshore First Aid Kit
Recommended for use on Offshore cruisers, this first aid kit allows the crew to deal with most first aid incidents.
- First aid guidance
- Triangular bandages: 3
- Sterile dressings: 5
- Assorted bandages: 3
- Crepe bandage: 1
- Micropore strapping: 1
- Elastoplast dressings: 40
- Sterile eye pad: 1
- Antiseptic cream: 10 sachets
- Steristrip sutures: 1
- Sterile gauze: 12
- Elastoplast strapping: 2
- Plastic fingerstalls: 3
- Scissors: 1
- Stainless steel forceps: 2
- Clinical thermometer (C & F): 1
- Survival blanket: 1